Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ain't Nothing Funny

As a person with trials, processes, progression and a good understanding. Many things have come across my table. I am learning more about this world that I ever intended. Many people will call me a conspiracy theorist or someone who looks too deep into too many things. I get that, I some times believe that I am opened to too many facets of life that I should not know. However, I cannot ignore many of things I am witnessing that apply to what God has shown me over the years. Things that I have found out in my researching the influence behind many of this America's dream and political agendas. When you understand more it helps in redirecting your plans, goals, desires, hopes and dependencies. I believe that we all must examine why we behave in the way we do some times.

If God is telling us one thing and we do another, we need to know why and why the rest of the world do not consider God's purpose and ordinances for us. I had to know and now that I know more, I have learn to be peaceful, appreciative and considerate of God's love. I understand better why He keeps His people away from many things. Things that hinder our ability to keep our eye on the prize of God's calling.

I know that we only live once and God has given us things to enjoy and partake in. I understand tha no one wants to be a hobbit, a lame or a square. But, there are many ways to enjoy life without selling our souls for worldly gains or fame. I encourage my children to go to school and be the best student they could be. One of there responses is, "school is boring." My response is, "school is for you to learn and not for fun." There is a time and place for everything and being a class clown does not help in fulfilling your goals. Being a class clown hinders your progress and causes one to miss out on important information. Anyway, when it comes to getting somewhere and progressing, there is no time for games and foolishness.

So I say, Ain't Nothing Funny. Especially in this destitute world we live in. Again, we are to know how to enjoy life in this mess up situation we are in. Don't stop living, learn how to live. Jesus said, He came that we might have life and life more abundantly. And, the scriptures says that God wants us to prosper even as our souls prosper. We cannot be caught off guard trying to enjoy life the way the world tells us to, but how God intends for us to. Learn of God and learn of this world. This way we can appreciate God better and live better. Amen

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